The conventions of a film opening- Maddie Quirke

The Conventions Of A Film Opening

The Purpose
The purpose of a film opening is to show the action and draw in the viewers interest so they are immediately impressed by the film and will want to watch the rest of it. The film opening will clearly state the film genre and will most likely see the antagonist or protagonist.

  • Most film openings are around two minutes long but the openings in major blockbusters can be up to 5 minutes long.
  • It will usually introduce the pre plot or beginning of the narrative.
  • It will also introduce the main characters, protagonists, antagonists and the side kick etc.
  • Establish the platform/scenes
  • It will show the key credits such as; the production company, star system and director.
  • Usually starts with equilibrium
  • Key event may occur
  • Non diegetic sound
Shutter Island- opening credits and scene

The opening scene begins with key credits such as the production company and film title. The production company for the film is recognisable and very popular from major blockbuster films, so you know that the film is going to be a good standard of level which will provide a high amount of entertainment, therefore being worth the watch. The font is bold and in capital letters but also uses a creepy affect and is the font is in faded white with a black matte background. This insinuates that the film is going to be quite frightening and gives you that immediate chilling and creepy feeling.

In the background it plays a non diegetic sound (peice of music) creating a creepy atmosphere which frightens the viewer and makes you belive that their may be danger instore for the main character. 

The image to the left comes in after the credits, showing a boat in the middle of nowhere which makes you create mysterious ideas. You want to know who's on the boat, where is it going, why is it going there etc.  

The film then introduces two charcters,Chuck (to the left) and Teddy (to the right), who we presume to be our main characters. The film uses a medium close up to give a clear view of the characters. Their outfits insinuate that they are detectives or investigators, or most likely work for the goverment.

Overall the opening scene is an important part of the film as it is the first thing the audience is going to view, it needs to be a balance between drawing in the audience but not giving to much away.

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