BBFC RATINGS- Maddie Quirke

BBFC Ratings
The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.

Suitable for all.

Parental Guidance.

Cinema release suitable for 12 years and over.

Video release suitable for 12 years and over.

Suitable  only for 15 years and other.

Suitbale only for adults.

Adult works licensed premises only.

After reviewing the BBFC site, we have decided to certify our film a 15 or over, this means that no minor is able to view our film in the cinema if under the are age of 15. We have chosen to rate our film this age as our film will contain violence, unacceptable behaviour and sometimes strong language may occur in some scenes. This may have a bad inluence on children and due to the lack of understanding they may proceed to practice this violence and strong language at home, due to what they have witnessed from our film. Therefore rating it a 15 teenagers and adults are mature enough to understand that the violence and behaviour in the film is unacceptle to repeat and purely for their entertainment and pleasure.

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